
Showing posts from September, 2015

Safety measures while playing tennes

Tennis is a popular racket sport that combines muscle-strengthening activities with aerobic exercise. Played with just one opponent or a group in a doubles game, tennis can be a fun way to get outside and enjoy the weather while fulfilling physical activity guidelines. Take safety precautions on the court to keep yourself safe while enjoying the game. Court Tennis safety precautions include playing on a safe court. A visual inspection of the court gives you an idea of the playing conditions and any maintenance that may be needed before the court is deemed safe. Equipment Choosing the right tennis racket for your ability and size helps you play safely, reducing your risk of injuries to the elbow, wrist or shoulder as you swing.  Technique Proper tennis techniques protect you from injury on the court. Keeping your body balanced at all times prevents falls and helps you avoid overuse injuries.

Safety measures while playing football

Playing sports is the best way to get fun . But getting injured can affect your fun and it can even stop you from playing further. So you have to know the safety measures while playing sports like football. Before your child starts a training program or plays competitive football, take him or her to the doctor for a physical exam. The doctor can help assess any special injury risks your child may have. Make sure your child wears all the required safety gear every time he or she plays and practices. All tackle football players must wear: a helmet; pads for the shoulders, hips, tailbone, and knees; thigh guards; and a mouth guard with a keeper strap. Talk to your child's coach to find out what kind of cleats are recommended or required in your child's league. If your child wears glasses, talk to your eye doctor about special eyewear for sports. Insist that your child warm up and stretch before playing. Teach your child not to play through pain. If your child gets injured...